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Kumpulan Perintah Pada Linux

Ini dia kumpulan perintah perintah penting di ubuntu/Linux. Lumayanlah kalo semuanya bisa di hafal :)) 

Tapi sebelumnya alangkah baiknya kalo buka google translate dulu buat yang tidak terlalu mahir bahasa inggrisnya karna artikel ini berisikan bahasa inggris hehe.. atau biar lebih mudah install saja paket bawaan ubuntu untuk translate seperti virtaal..cara installnya sudo apt-get install virtaal

Add a user
sudo adduser USER_NANE
Delete a user
sudo deluser USER_NAME

Change user password
sudo passwd USER_NAME

Changes user fullname, office number, office extension, and home phone number information.
sudo chfn USER_NAME
Display user information
finger USER_NAME

Temporarily prevent a user from logging in

sudo usermod -L USER_NAME
Revoke the operation above
sudo usermod -U USER_NAME

Add a user to admin group
sudo usermod -G admin -a USER_NAME

Clear Bash history
history -c

Display Linux distributor's ID
lsb_release -is

Display Linux release number

lsb_release -rs

Display Linux code name

lsb_release -cs

Display machine hardware name
uname -m

List all PCI devices, such as display card and ethernet card.

Reclaim memory which stores pagecache, dentries and inodes

echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Display a list of modules in the Linux Kernel


List USB devices

lsusb -v

Display the status of ethernet card

sudo ethtool eth0

List hardware
sudo lshw

List harddisk partitions

sudo fdisk -l

Display SATA harddisk parameters

sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda

Display disk space usage
df -h

Display file/folder space usage

Display amount of free and used memory

Display processes

ps -e
Display a tree of processes
Display processes dynamically

Terminate a process with a given process id
sudo kill -9 PROCESS_ID

Terminate all processes with a given name

sudo killall PROCESS_NAME

List files which are opened by a given process
lsof -p PROCESS_ID

List processes which opened a given file


List processes which are using port 80

lsof -i :80

Configure an ADSL connection
sudo pppoeconf

Starts up ADSL connections

sudo pon
Shuts down ADSL connections
sudo poff

Display MAC of a given IP address


Display NetBIOS name of a given IP address

nmblookup -A IP_ADDRESS

Display IP address and MAC

ifconfig -a

Display route
netstat -rn

Set MAC of ethernet interface
sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55

Display information of a domain name
whois example.com

Display the network path to a given host

tracepath example.com

Request an IP address from DHCP server
sudo dhclient

Temporarily restart an init script
sudo /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME restart
Temporarily stop an init script
sudo /etc/init.d/SCRIPT_NAME stop
Set the HTTP proxy

export http_proxy=http://PROXY.DOMAIN.NAME:PORT

Modify the information displayed after logging in

sudo vim /etc/motd.tail

Choose the input method for X Window
im-switch -c

Convert the file name from GBK to UTF8
convmv -r -f gbk -t utf8 --notest FILE_NAME

Convert the file content from GBK to UTF8

iconv -f gbk -t utf8 FILE_NAME

Convert tags in '*.mp3' from GBK to UTF8
find . -name '*.mp3' -execdir mid3iconv -e GBK {} \;

Read a long file


Print lines matching a pattern


Display a list of file name. The files contain a given string.

Display all '.txt' file

find . -name '*.txt'

Create two empty files
touch file_name_1 file_name_2

Create directory. Create parent directories as needed.
mkdir -p /tmp/a/b/c/d/e

Change working directory to the home folder

Change working directory to the previous working directory
cd -

Display hidden files
ls -a

Copy directory. Preserve links, file mode, ownership, timestamps.


Determine file type


Output the last 6 lines

tail -n 6 FILE_NAME

Copy files via SSH


Rename '*.rm' files to '*.rmvb' files

rename 's/.rm$/.rmvb/' *

Change the file name to lowercase

rename 'tr/A-Z/a-z/' *

Display subdirectories in current directory
ls -d */.

Display file number in current directory

ls . | wc -w

Extract "*.gz" file
gunzip FILE_NAME.gz
Extract "*.tar.gz" file
tar zxf FILE_NAME.tar.gz
Extract "*.tar.bz2" file
tar jxf FILE_NAME.tar.bz2

Do compression
tar czf FILE_NAME.tar.gz FILE1 FILE2 FILE3
tar cjf FILE_NAME.tar.bz2 FILE1 FILE2 FILE3

Displays a calendar


Set the date and time via NTP

sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com

Poweroff your computer
sudo halt
sudo shutdown -h now
Poweroff your computer in 23:00
sudo shutdown -h 23:00
Poweroff your computer after 60 minutes
sudo shutdown -h +60

Reboot your computer

sudo reboot
sudo shutdown -r now

If you want some program to start up automatically, please put '.desktop' files into '~/.config/autostart'

You can configure "preferred applications" by this file "~/.local/share

Continuously monitor the memory usage

watch -d free

Display HTTP HEAD response

w3m -dump_head http://example.com

Display file content with line number

Eliminate Rootkit
sudo rkhunter --checkall

Change hostname
sudo hostname new_name

"Tasksel" group software packages into "task"s. You can select a "task" and then install all necessary software packages. It is easy to set up LAMP servers or cloud computing servers.

Show all tasks
tasksel --list
Display the extended description of a task
tasksel --task-desc lamp-server
List the packages which are parts of a task
tasksel --task-packages lamp-server
Install/remove a task
gksudo tasksel

Change Process priority
example: renice 5 `pgrep firefox`
renice -5 `pgrep wine-server`
high <------------------> low
NEW_PRIORITY = -19, -18, -17 [...] 18, 19, 20

~/.thumbnails/ directory is a cache dir GNOME makes when you browse through your folders in nautilus.
It contains thumbnail pictures of picture files you've previously looked at.
You can get its total size by
du -bs ~/.thumbnails/

You can delete the files in the .thumbnails directory that haven't been accessed for seven days, to free disk space.
find ~/.thumbnails/ -type f -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;

Capture screen after 10 seconds

gnome-screenshot -d 10
Capture current window after 10 seconds
gnome-screenshot -wd 10

Start GConf editor:
Press Alt+F2, type 'gconf-editor'.

Set apt source

sudo software-properties-gtk
sudo software-properties-kde

Display the packages which are not installed but have remained residual config
dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ {print $2}'

Add a PPA repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:PPA-REPOSITORY-NAME

Display a list of files. The files are installed from a given package.


Display a list of packages. The packages installed a given file.


Display a list of packages. The name of packages matches given regex pattern.

apt-cache search REG_EXPRESSION

Display a list of packages. The packages provide a given file.

apt-file search FILE_NAME

Display a list of packages. The given package depends on the list of packages.

apt-cache depends PACKAGE_NAME

Display a list of packages. These packages depend on the given package.

apt-cache rdepends PACKAGE_NAME

Prompt for a disk to be inserted and then add the disc to the source list.
sudo apt-cdrom add

Install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system.

sudo apt-get upgrade

Delete residual package configuration files.

dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P

Automatically install necessary files for './configure ; make ; make install'

sudo auto-apt run ./configure

Save the list of packages currently installed on your system.

dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > SOME_FILE
Then use the file to restore packages.
dpkg --set-selections < SOME_FILE ; sudo dselect

After running "sudo apt-get install", "*.deb" files are stored in "/var/cache/apt/archives"
You can clean this directory by:
sudo apt-get clean
Display URL for a given package

apt-get -qq --print-uris install PACKAGE_NAME
Display some statistics about the apt cache
apt-cache stats
Display all package name

apt-cache pkgnames
Display some information of a given package